
This page provides information about affiliated website communities which are currently known to this website. These are a small fraction of the thousands of websites and dozens of projects and providers which participate in this communications network.
Type: Nomád
Version: 25.1.13
Access type: free
Location: Magyarország
Nomád ist meine kleine (streams) Instanz und mein Beitrag dazu, andere Instanzen im Fediverse ggf. ein wenig zu entlasten (das Fediverse ist dezentral).

Diese Instanz erlaubt Registrierungen nur mit Genehmigung des Administrators. Wer ernsthaftes Interesse an einem Account hat, schreibt etwas SINNVOLLES in das Mitteilungsfeld für die Begründung des Account-Antrags.

Nomád is my tiny (streams) instance and my contribution to relieving other instances in the Fediverse a little (the Fediverse is decentralised).

This instance only allows registrations with the authorisation of the administrator. If you are seriously interested in an account, write something MEANINGFUL in the message field for the justification of the account application.

Type: Streams by Markku
Version: 25.2.14

Type: Get Ready To Rumbly
Version: 24.08.12
Access type: free
Location: RumblyVille
Welcome to Rumbly. "Rumbly" comes from Winnie the Pooh. "Rumbly in my tumbly". Users are welcome to create new accounts here for no charge, however if your registration email address has more than two "dots" I will very likely decline service to your account. I do not monitor the content posted by users, but I do respond and investigate valid complaints.

Type: Unio Diversi Spiritus
Version: 25.2.14

Type: Diablo Canyon2
Version: 25.2.10

Type: Bunny of Doom
Version: 25.2.14
A private Fediverse server running (streams)

Type: Cirtensis
Version: 25.2.10

Type: CaseLibre
Version: 25.2.14
Location: France

Type: Streams at els Mussols
Version: 24.10.23

Type: Y
Version: 25.2.10
Location: USA

Type: y
Version: 23.09.26
fediverse development site

Version: 25.2.10

Type: Biophilic Research Network
Version: 25.2.2
Location: CZ

Type: Streams
Version: 24.06.10

Type: Streams
Version: 25.2.2

Type: Tales of My Life
Version: 24.09.07
Access type: free
Location: USA
Social Media set up to share life updates & photos and to connect with others around the world.
Political or other controversial posts are not welcome on this server. This is a place to share real life updates with friends or the world.

This social media will respect your data and privacy. It will not show you ads. This is a public service I'm providing to friends and family. Donations are always welcome, but not required.

Version: 24.07.17

Type: snuffleupagus
Version: 23.07.01

Type: microhive
Version: 24.09.22
Location: Germany
Proudly working with (streams) # An open source fediverse server with a long history of innovation based on privacy, resilience, and ethics # ActivityPub and Nomad (the underground fediverse)

Type: Mesh2Net | Topics: Science, Art, and Politics | By RainbowLink Inc. (株式会社レインボーリンク)
Version: 25.2.2
Access type: free
Location: Japan
『Mesh2Net ( メッシュトゥーネット ) 』は、株式会社レインボーリンク(RainbowLink Inc.)が運営する自社PR用のserverです。Powered by 『streams』!

Type: zap
Version: 24.06.05

Type: ArrCay
Version: 24.12.24
Location: USA

Type: a
Version: 24.02.09
This is a limited installation of Streams. Its purpose is:
  • to serve as a personal instance for baslow, the administrator
  • to test, evaluate and develop ways of using Streams in an anticipated public instance

Type: 4M3 A.P.S. Streams
Version: 24.08.08
Streams server di

Type: K&T Host
Version: 25.1.16
K&T Host social stream and Fediverse communications platform

Type: YunoHost Streams
Version: 24.12.25

Type: socialwebs
Version: 23.12.09

Type: Web3 PBS
Version: 24.06.14
Location: Kane County, Illinois
Home of The Residential Owner-operated Network (#TheRON)

Version: 24.05.19

Type: streams
Version: 23.11.17

Type: YunoHost Streams
Version: 24.10.23

Type: la-kosma-avangardo
Version: 24.02.28
Welcome to La Kosma Avangardo. Join our community for people looking to democratize and make space exploration and space settlement more ethical, accessible, inclusive and equitable. Space should be for everyone! Esperanto encouraged (hence the name).

Type: free
Version: 23.05.07
Location: USA
Due to abuse suffered by a user of our free services, we have temporarily suspended new registrations.  We hope to be able to re-enable them soon.

Type: Axehaft Streams
Version: 24.09.07

Type: Streams
Version: 25.1.15